
Urban regeneration - Cantù


Public - Urban planning, city, strategy.


Municipal administration.


Intervention area: 23 km².


The elaborated concept demonstrated that the transformation of the urban fabric into an efficient network of routes and services was possible and had to be included in the political priorities of the city administration.


Solution of the road problem.
Increased attractiveness (creation of local identity).
Strengthening of functional centres (neighbourhoods) and their networking.


Rationalisation of the road network (hierarchies).
Strengthening the activities and structure of neighbourhoods.


Initial situation
In general, since the 1950s municipal expansion had been managed in a purely quantitative manner. In the previous twenty years the original logistical situation had been consolidated without proposing any strategy based on qualitative planning. The client managed an area in which, due to the inefficiency of the traffic structure, the time needed to cross the city and move within was leading to the relocation of economic activities and individual citizens. The difficulty in reaching public infrastructures for citizens was such that people were forced to leave the municipal territory for any need related to work, procurement, leisure.

Phase 1 - Analysis
Analysis of the problems, clarification of the client's intentions, list of priorities for long-term development.

Phase 2 - Proposal
Proposal of an urban ring road and a network of capillary routes based on clear hierarchies. Inclusion of nodal points with public car parks at interchanges. Identification of individual neighbourhood centres to be developed into an interconnected network of functions. Guidelines for implementing the urban development strategy.